Patent Express is deeply committed to your right to privacy and takes your privacy seriously. We have very strict privacy policies, and we strive to keep your personal and financial information secure. Please note that this Privacy Policy only applies to the website and not to any other websites that you may access from the Site, each of which may have privacy policies that are materially distinct from this Privacy Policy.
If at any time you wish to delete all of your Personally Identifiable Information from our site, you have a number of options: 1. You should contact the government agency that made public your information and have it removed. If they do so, our database will automatically be updated, and your data will be removed from our site. This is public information published by a government agency, such as the USPTO. If you wish, you can request the government agency to mask this information. You can find the contact information for the United States Patent & Trademark Office here: You may contact us at [], or you may reach us at [CONTACT NUMBER]
if you need contact information for a particular government agency that has made your Personally Identifiable Information public. 2. You may also contact Patent Express to make a request for the removal of or masking of your personally identifiable information or patent data. Such requests must be made in writing and will be subject to verification of ownership. This policy allows verified patent owners to specify: (A) that their identifiable information be masked, or (B) that their patent pages permanently deleted from Requests may be made directly to [] , and every effort will be made to honor them within 48 hours.