Patent services
Provisional patent service

Provisional patent service

A provisional patent application provides proof of the date of your invention from the moment it is submitted.

Filing a provisional patent is often the fastest, most efficient way of starting the process to protect your inventive concept.

Note: You have one year after filing a provisional patent application to apply for a full (utility) patent. Patent Express provisional application service offers exceptional value and comes backed by dedicated customer support.

Provisional Service

File a provisional patent application

$ + govt fee

$ + govt fee

What does it do?

Establishes a priority claim to an inventive concept.
Provisional Patent Applications are filed with the USPTO.

How will it help you?

Gives you one year to refine your invention and seek a utility patent application.
Gives you a patent pending number and a place in line.

US Provisional Patent Application


+ govt fee
  • Get “Patent Pending” status for 12 months
  • Professionally drafted Patent Writing
  • Professionally drafted Patent Drawing
  • Optional video call with a patent attorney
*Government fees depend on who is filing. $75 (micro entity), $150 (small entity) o $300 (large entity). We will help you determine. Most Trademarkia customers qualify for micro entity or small entity.

How does Patent Express work?

Describe your idea

Express and define your inventive concepts with the help of our easy questionnaire.

Upload Your Files

Upload graphical/visual illustrations with layouts of your invention in one click.

We'll submit to USPTO

Our expert team of patent agents and attorneys will help you protect your invention and submit it to the USPTO.

Design vs Utility Patents

To protect both how your invention looks and works, you will want to file both design and utility patent applications.

Design patent

Design patents protect the physical shape of unique product designs and helps product designers to stop counterfeit products.
  • Protects the shape of the invention only.
  • Does not stop someone from making the invention if they make it with a different exterior shape.
  • Cannot explain how the invention works and how it is put together.

Utility patent

Utility patent protect new and useful products, methods, and functional aspects
  • Protects how the invention works.
  • Can stop someone from making the invention, regardless of the invention's shape.
  • Must explain how the invention works and how it is put together.

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